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Northglenn, Colorado, United States
I'm primarily a BI Developer on the Microsoft stack. I do sometimes touch upon other Microsoft stacks ( web development, application development, and sql server development).

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Finding smallest whole number on Google

The Math Factor Podcast was wondering what was the lowest number that Google did not archive.

I figured, a Powershell script would be fun to make to solve this problem. Here is what I wrote so far:


clear-variable -name doc
clear-variable -name link
clear-variable -name anchors
clear-variable -name ie
clear-variable -name Notfound

$ie = new-object -com "InternetExplorer.Application"
$Notfound = $true
$i = 1000
$ie.navigate("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" + $i + "&btnG=Search")
Start-Sleep –s 3

   $doc = $ie.document

       $anchors = $doc.getElementsByTagName("a")
       "Searching number: " + $i
       $j = $i
       foreach ($link in $anchors)
                     $i = $i + 1
                                $ie.navigate("http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=" + $i + "&btnG=Search")
                Start-Sleep –s 3
                clear-variable -name doc
                 clear-variable -name link
                clear-variable -name anchors

        if($j -eq $i)
              $Notfound = $false
              "Number not found: " + $i


I ran into the problem of my program running to fast, which is why I had to add “Start-Sleep –s 3”. This makes the program wait 3 seconds for google to reply.

The problem with a time delay is, lets assume the number is 1 Million. It would basically take me 34 days to reach the number.

I guess if I has a independent server, I could solve this and let it run for a year.

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